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Sales Network

We have a large organization around the world consisting of Diemme technicians, Diemme’s offices and certified dealers and agents in order to offer prompt, customized solutions for every inquiry.

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    Diemme Enologia is a company with a long tradition in the wine-making field, since the 1920’s indeed Diemme has started to develop the first equipment for grape pressing.

     DIEMME Enologia S.p.A.
    Via Bedazzo, 19 – 48022 Lugo (Ra) Italy
    Telefono: +39 0545 219911
    Fax: +39 0545 33002
    PI:00571910397 – C.F. e Registro Imprese di Ravenna n.00571290378
    R.E.A. di RAVENNA n. 109738
    Capitale Sociale € 2.070.000,00 i.v.

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